blushing in the big leagues by rs grey

Well, it definitely had more steam than the last few of hers that I read! 

Wow. The heroine. It reminded me of that scene in legally blonde where the nail girl/bff says “what’s she got that you don’t, three tits?” Because for the life of me I couldn’t figure out why TWO grown men were both all in on this girl. It was so annoying to me. 

Basically I’m saying the 3.5 stars were for Grant. I loved him. Did he deserve better? Yes. But did I enjoy the read… also yes. 

Would I have preferred the heroine to go on an apology tour for her asinine behavior? Yes. 

Did it feel like I got JIPPED from an actual I love you scene in favor of a proposal scene a year later? Yes. 

Will I always pick up an RS Grey bc her writing makes me smile? Also yes.


one and only by karla sorensen


radical love by zachary levi