Hi friend! Oh, was that presumptuous? Well, trust me, we’re going to be friends. 1. Because I’m awesome (obviously). 2. Because we have things in common! (Does that make you awesome too? I submit that the answer is “YES!”).
If you’re here for books, I have lists of books that will be perfect for your TBR pile. I rank books with star and steam ratings so you’re sure to find what you like. I also make my own required reading lists based off of the genres you love!
Here for baking? I mean, really…who isn’t? I love to bake and am excited to share what I’m loving with you! Want to bake things for your book club? I have you covered! What about just baking something to make your week more enjoyable? Story of my life…I my favorite recipes ready for you!
Something you should know about me is that I am phenomenal at doing crafts. Okay that’s a lie. But I do try very hard and have some successes! If I can do it, you can do it! Check out my DIY section for inspiration!
Everything else I am dumping into my lifestyle section, because I am an “all things” influencer…obviously. Hallmark fandom? Lifestyle. Favorite kitchen gadgets? Lifestyle. I’m sure you get it at this point, but let’s do one more for posterity. Loose leaf tea rankings? Lifestyle!

Thanks for joining me on my journey!
